{"quotes":[{"id":"cld7q2wot2k700aw34q3edn2r","text":"There are two hard problems in computer science: Cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors.","author":"Martin Fowler"},{"id":"cld7q3gd42jzw0bwaagi4oluq","text":"You know you are working on clean code when [everything] turns out to be pretty much what you expected.","author":"Robert C. Martin"},{"id":"cldfkxh7t4huf0auon3xpvm6p","text":"On all occasions there are better solutions waiting us to be found if we do subtle analysis with sharp-witted minds.","author":"Prof. Salam Al Shereida"},{"id":"cldflkb2w4itq0avwaxj6sjzk","text":"If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there's some way to do it.","author":"Walt Disney"},{"id":"cldflknhw4i250auooawoqfg2","text":"With a bucket of Lego, you can tell any story. You can build an airplane or a dragon or a pirate ship - it's whatever you can imagine.","author":"Cristhopher Miller"},{"id":"cldflkxn34i2c0auof2q7ph07","text":"Fail faster, so you can succeed sooner.","author":"David Kelley"},{"id":"cldfll9c24i2j0auobls584dp","text":"There is a hidden message in every waterfall. It says, if you are flexible, falling will not hurt you.","author":"Mehmet Murat Ildan"},{"id":"cldfllol34hml0bw5obfcfug0","text":"Over the years I’ve tried out a lot of different ways of learning CSS and JS: books, online courses, articles, video tutorials… But for me, there’s really no substitute for learning by doing.","author":"Michelle Barker"},{"id":"cldfllxrm4hle0av0jtdx5dsn","text":"There are few glitches and bugs in the Matrix.","author":"Deyth Banger"},{"id":"cldflmrfb4i360auoi6jb7dic","text":"A strong visual hierarchy is achieved when there is a clear viewing order to the visual elements on a screen. Most people don't notice visual hierarchy but it is one of the easiest ways to strengthen (or weaken) a design.","author":"Joshua Porter"}]}